ABN: 48759354483

Regional Group 157 of The Early Ford V8 Club of America.

QLD Early Ford V8 Club Inc.


The Queensland Early Ford V-8 Club Inc. made its humble beginning on the 31st January 1976 with 10 dedicated V-8 Ford enthusiasts gathering under a high set home in Grovely. We have come a long way since then, with more than 100 members and a regular clubhouse! The club has constant involvement with the community, and through the efforts of its members has earned respect in the ‘OLD CAR’ movement.

Our club prides itself on being a welcoming and fun place where like-minded enthusiasts can come together and share their passion for Ford V8s! The club has boundless resources available to its members, which include workshop manuals and other technical guides, as well as local, practical acquired knowledge from its members and other business associates right across the state.

The objectives of the Club are:

Eligible Vehicles

Touring Class Vehicles

A combination of factors has led the club to embracing, what it describes as ‘Touring Class Vehicles’. These are vehicles that have been altered from their original state for the following reasons: (Which we consider when accepting your application)

We consider the following:

Meeting Details

Monthly Meetings

Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month except December from 7:30pm followed by supper. Periodically, we have a BBQ dinner before our meeting from 6pm. Notice will be given via email/magazine.

Club House Address

1376 Old Cleveland Road, Carindale, QLD 4152